I thought I would collect together my various messages on social networks uttered today (slightly edited, reordered & concatenated):
Facebook: (first time actually posting to FB)I am working on how to combine conversations in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & other social networking tools, partly in pursuit of green opinion surveying idea.Twitter:
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| Wondering if any green tech startup in Silicon Valley is working on a telephathy API? Have to be open source of course & Ajax friendly.
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| Fear as political factor is a problem. Jacobs, in The Politics of the Real World says: Fear is often accompanied by a feeling of impotence. ..
Concerned politicians worry that giving public too strong dose of reality induces impotence. Eg BBC report on Arctic warming. .. RT @lehacarpenter: if we are impotent, shouldn't we feel impotent? jd: I was struck that a political writer like Jacobs made this remark. Impotence is implicated in depression. However, facing economic & energy crises we must act whether we feel impotent or fearful. It would be even a little reassuring if there were some rocks on which we could base our responses. Reality? |
| Comparing attitudes to the future from the 1990s & now. So far, looking at UK data. Mid 90s: >60% thought children's future would be worse.
| I will very gingerly express something that has been a growing concern for me for some weeks now & I have not seen anyone else mention (maybe no-one has mentioned it, because it is not valid!) I worry that Obama will become like Tony Blair. TB arrived with so much hope & very quickly reneged on just about every green commitment he had made, much to the dismay of environmentalists who had supported him...
RT @energy4america: "I don't think Obama will Blair out. Blair might have done better if he hadn't been Bushed." jd: hoping Obama is sincere.
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| Listening to Poulenc's delightful Sextet for piano & wind (1932-9). As the composer says "Très vite et importé." Poulenc seems quite comfortable with wind & piano, but he had a stormy relationship with solo strings - he destroyed 2 violin sonatas, and consigned a string quartet to the Paris sewers (in 1947). Had it been Vienna, the work may have turned up in 'The Third Man.' Poulenc's 2 sources of inspiration were summed up by Claude Rostand: ‘In Poulenc there is something of the monk and something of the rascal.’ | | |
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